News Articles

DLAN 12.2 New Features

The 12.2 release of DLAN includes the newly added ability to filter asset reports on incidents and, to share asset reports as permanent feature layers in ArcGIS.  Updates to GIS Premium mapping  and Bed Tracking reports are among the other enhancements included.

DLAN Point of Distribution and Dispensing: Broome County Use Case

Our latest Case Study focuses on Broome County (NY) Office of Emergency Service's successful implementation of our new set of tools for Point of Distribution and Dispensing (POD) management.

BCG integrates OnSolve Critical Coms into DLAN

DLAN users can now access OnSolve Critical Communications products from directly within the DLAN platform and will soon be able to access OnSolve Risk Intelligence. These enhancements will give DLAN users more choice on how to send notifications from within the DLAN system, and will create a unified response portal that simplifies the user experience.

DLAN helps Algonquin College Prepare the Next Generation of Emergency Managers

BCG is pleased to announce that Algonquin College will be utilizing our DLAN software for their Bachelor of Public Safety degree program this year. The software was donated by BCG to help train students on Emergency Management best practices. 

White Paper: Pandemic Preparedness & Response

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted some of the shortcomings in current emergency
management tools and processes. BCG offers insights into how to improve preparedness and response.

DLAN Easily Integrates External Sources: Steuben County Use Case

DLAN is designed to work with the tools your team uses every day. The system seamlessly converts external data into actionable items in DLAN. This means that staff members do not need to log directly into DLAN to input data. For example, Steuben County NY recently improved their equipment repair process using DLAN’s newest integration tools.

New DLAN 12.0+ Brings Updated Look and Major Module Enhancements

DLAN’s newest release includes an updated look and feel for major areas of the system, as well as numerous module enhancements.

DLAN Regional Implementation: Broome County Use Case

Broome County (NY) Office of Emergency Services recently expanded their DLAN system to allow municipalities to access the system to work on their own local incidents. This means the Broome County DLAN system now allows municipalities to work on incidents independently and share information with each other, while also being able to escalate to the county level as needed. 

DLAN Communication Center Rule Engine in Action: Chautauqua County Use Case

BCG’s new Communication Center Rule Engine is designed to help users more quickly triage important emails and other external information, such as forms. Chautauqua County (NY) Office of Emergency Services was able to immediately put this new function to use for daily COVID-19 safety procedures. 

Manage Public Points of Distribution and Dispensing (PODs) with DLAN

With the release of the COVID-19 vaccine, it is crucial to have the right tools to manage such a large scale vaccine distribution. DLAN has all the tools your team needs to address the issues of ordering and tracking POD supplies and collecting, aggregating, and displaying overall POD situational information.

New Support for NMEA2000

BCG now has the capability to output NMEA2000 (IEC 61162-1) Parameter Group Numbers (PGNs) as part of our simulator product line. 

ASTERIXSim Radar Simulation

BCG has expanded our ASTERIX radar interface capabilities for our line of radar simulators.

BCG partners with PEASI to provide Alert Ready notifications through DLAN

BCG has partnered with PEASI to enhance our alerting capability throughout Canada, including integration with Alert Ready. Through this partnership, we are able to combine our proven incident management software, DLAN, with their alerting capabilities to provide a unified, comprehensive system.

DLAN 11.5-11.5.4: New Features

New reporting features in the Asset Tracking and Streaming Video modules coupled with increased customization makes it easy to view the information you need. The new quick editor and other improvements throughout DLAN make the system faster than ever.

DLAN Implemented to Improve Ontario's Emergency Response Operations

We are happy to welcome the Province of Ontario Emergency Management to the DLAN Community!

New PC22x8 Radar Emulator

We are pleased to announce the addition of another radar emulation product to our family of Radar Simulators.  BCG has completed the emulation of the FurunoTM FAR22X8 radar – we are calling PC22x8.  

White Paper: Tools to Help Manage COVID-19

As this crisis continues to evolve, responders need the right tools to share real-time information,
visualize data, and track everything.

BCG & FutureShield Provide Rapid Implementation to Assist the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo Prepare and Respond to COVID-19

We are happy to welcome RMWB and all of our new clients to the DLAN Community!

DLAN COVID-19 Monitoring

Improve your COVID-19 Readiness and Response with DLAN

DLAN Adds Multi-Factor Authentication

DLAN now includes improved security with multi-factor authentication.