Radar Simulation for the Web
BCG) can now offer web-based radar simulation to maritime schools allowing for remote student radar operator training.
BCG) can now offer web-based radar simulation to maritime schools allowing for remote student radar operator training.
BCG announces it has expanded our ASTERIX radar interface capabilities for our line of radar simulators.
BCG has extensive experience helping Canadian municipalities build workflows in order to manage the actively changing Asylum Seeker Mission needs such as Interim Housing, Project Planning/Health Services, and Integration Services.
Laura has over 20 years experience in emergency management, strategic planning and policy development, program and project management, training and exercise development, for municipal and provincial government, and partner agencies. Laura James: Director of Strategic Engagement & Sales
BCG has extensive experience helping municipalities build workflows to manage the actively changing Asylum Seeker Mission needs such as Housing, Tracking Needed/Provided Services, and Relocation.
DLAN provides tools for shared situational awareness, workflow-based information management, and real-time communication for H5N1 Avian Influenza tracking, preparedness, response, and mitigation
There are many emergency management agencies who currently use an array of different apps designed for normal office operations for their emergency operations. However, a dedicated solution is an important investment that will improve an emergency response and simplify your day-to-day operations.
The podcast featured members of the DLAN community as well as some BCG staff.
Adds New Features for Implementing FEMA’s NQS and Additional Notification Options
DLAN 14 introudces an all new GIS platform with improved speed & performance, advanced drawing tools, and more control over how you view, work with, and report on geospatial data.
The integration allows Canadian users to view Ontario 511 cameras within video dashboards and on our GIS map.
We recently worked with Rockland County (New York) to utilize DLAN to run a full-scale scenario-based emergency management exercise
BCG’s DisasterLAN (DLAN) software now integrates with Gridmetrics’ Power Event Notification System (PENS)
Using DisasterLAN (DLAN) for daily operations not only helps keep staff prepared for emergency operations, but also ensures you get the most out of your software investment.
This paper reviews some of the many ways DLAN can be used to optimize daily operations.
As part of our commitment to data security, BCG is now an ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified provider.
As we close out 2021, we would like to take some time to look back on all we have accomplished with the help of our DLAN community.
DLAN 12.4 speeds up ticket creation and management, extends AGO sharing abilities, expediates ICS form creation, and enhances multi-jurisdictional security.
BCG was recently selected to provide our DisasterLAN (DLAN) emergency management software to the 88 cities within the Los Angeles Operational Area.
We are pleased to announce that the Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria (Trinidad Rancheria) has implemented DisasterLAN (DLAN) for emergency management and daily operations.
DLAN 12.3 expands Phonebook & GIS integration, improves mini-map performance & functionality, and automates additional IAP functions. Together these enhancements make DLAN even easier to use and speed up data entry.
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